Dust to Diamond:

Your Soulful Path to Recovery

Interested in my in person Divorce Recovery Seminar, located in Westminster, CO?

You're here because:

  • You are struggling with the end of a romantic relationship.

  • You are trying to get through each day, but the weight of your breakup often times feels too much to bear.

  • You are stuck replaying and analyzing the events of the past, and can't seem to find any relief.

  • You are struggling with feelings of anger, grief, guilt, low self worth and rejection.

  • Your idea of what the future would look like has fallen apart into a scary unknown, and you are not sure where to go from here.

  • Even if you did, you feel unmotivated, and want to just escape most of the time.

How would you feel if I told you:

That you can take control of your life again by being proactive and intentional about your breakup recovery in ways that will help you recover faster, suffer less, and come out the other side a wiser, stronger, and more grounded individual.

You may have heard the saying “pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional”. This means that when a person experiences something painful (emotionally or physically), there is the initial painful event, followed by our response to that painful event which can add layers of additional suffering on top of the pain we are already feeling.

In the context of a breakup, the breakup was something that a person was unable to avoid, and the initial pain

is there from that loss of something so important from their lives. However, it is not uncommon for people to add layers of additional suffering into the mix through the way that they respond to the breakup. Among others, this might include beating ones self up about what happened, holding on to anger and hate, or telling ones self that they will always be alone.

When in the midst of a breakup, it's not uncommon to:

  • Blame yourself, beat yourself up, and fear you are unworthy.

  • Feel paralyzed and overwhelmed. Unable to change the past, accept the present, or face the future.

  • Feel the resentment building, and along with it a desire for the scales of justice or karma to pay a visit to your ex who so betrayed your trust. It feel's like if you forgive and let go of the anger and move on, they will have gotten away with their actions.

  • Feel the need to hide and minimize your pain out of fear of being a burden to others or appearing weak.

  • Feel a sense of helplessness and powerlessness as your world falls apart in a way that you can't control.

I understand all of these emotions and experiences because I have been there !

They are totally normal for someone going through a break up.

In the Dust to Diamond program, we will work collaboratively to identify your layers of additional suffering, and do the work necessary to minimize or eliminate them, all while enabling you to let go of the past, reconnect in a positive way to yourself and the present moment, foster hope and excitement for the future, and make sure you have a physical and virtual environment that best supports your healing.

This Program is for you if:

  • You are struggling to get past a breakup or a divorce.

  • You are ready to take control of your life and move on from your relationship.

  • You have tried working through it on your own, and feel ready to make the brave decision to reach out for help.

  • You feel reluctant or embarrassed to reach out to friends for help out of fear of looking weak or burdening others.

  • You want to have a support ally to help you work through your breakup in a safe, confidential, and judgement free space.

  • You want proven guidance and coaching techniques that will help you find relief, heal more quickly, and bounce back knowing you are a worthy resourced person, who is deserving of love and capable of finding it again.

  • You want to learn tools and perspectives that will not only help with your breakup recovery, but will help you to be more productive, optimistic, and happy in your every day life.

What is included in the program?

  • Two months of weekly one hour one-on-one coaching sessions over Zoom, with the option to

    add on additional sessions.

  • Daily Voxer and email support with at least one response per day.

  • Weekly feedback, homework assignments, and projects custom designed for you to help you stay on track.

How does coaching differ from therapy?

  • The focus and logistics of coaching differ from therapy, though there is a lot of overlap, with neither being superior to the other.

  • Generally, therapists focus on understanding past events, present states of being, and how they are related. Therapists are also able to diagnose lasting emotional trauma and mental disorders, and are equipped to recommend courses of action for their treatment.

  • Coaching focuses mainly on the present and future, though may involve visits to the past to better understand the present. It is focused on having collaborative conversations that identify current problems and their solutions, and how to implement those solutions while dealing with any roadblocks.

  • Coaching sessions follow more of a structure, with a goal for the session established at the beginning, which will then be revisited throughout the session to assure things are moving in the right direction, while therapy sessions can be more open and free form.

  • Coaching and therapy are not mutually exclusive, and can be done in conjunction with each other. In fact, it can be incredibly effective to do both at the same time, as they provide different approaches that have the potential to give each other a boost.

Are you ready to take charge of your life, and do the work to move past your breakup stronger than ever ?

Book a free 30 minute consultation with me following the link below.

Jumpstart your recovery with a free Divorce/Breakup Adjustment Survery

This will help you guage where you are in your recovery process, and includes a free call to go over the results.

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